Envisioning AI’s potential in a leading Dutch media company

Recognising the transformative role (generative) AI could play, a leading Dutch media company, approached us to identify opportunities for integrating AI across their organisation.

In collaboration with their Chief Technology Officer and Head of Data, we designed and delivered a tailored half-day workshop for their board members. This session facilitated a shared understanding of the company’s strategic direction in AI. It also enabled us to evaluate and quantify the already-created value by the client’s initial AI initiatives.

Our strategic workshop enabled our client to identify potential new opportunities to further leverage AI across their organisation.
The Challenge
Our client’s leadership team had three key objectives for the workshop. Firstly, they wanted to establish a clear, top-down strategy for AI. This involved evaluating their current AI initiatives and looking ahead to identify potential applications over the next 1-3 years. Secondly, they aimed to showcase the value of AI by demonstrating existing success stories through case studies developed by the company’s Data & Technology teams. Finally, the workshop had to explore new, potentially transformative AI opportunities and inspire the board to champion their development.
Our Solution
To achieve these objectives, our workshop curated a selection of relevant AI use cases from real-world examples to inspire and educate the board members about the possibilities of (generative) AI. We then incorporated interactive ideation exercises, where board members actively participated in brainstorming potential AI applications that can be easily leveraged. To ensure alignment on ethical considerations, we also facilitated a custom value mapping exercise where the board plotted their perspectives on the values that should guide the firm’s use of AI.
We captured and classified all identified AI opportunities, prioritised highly viable opportunities, and visualised the plotted AI values to be used as stakeholder engagement materials.
We supported them in handing over the session outcomes to their internal team members, who engaged with individual business units to plan the development of the identified, viable AI opportunities.
This collaborative approach not only fostered a deeper understanding of AI's potential within the organisation but also empowered board members to actively contribute to the firm’s AI strategy and roadmap.

Shared understanding

The workshop fostered a unified vision among board members regarding the company’s AI direction, current impact, and future potential.

Identified opportunities

New, high-value (generative) AI applications were identified for further exploration and development.

Prioritised roadmap

Viable opportunities were prioritised, creating a clear path for AI implementation.

Stakeholder engagement

Visualised AI values provided compelling materials for engaging stakeholders in the development process.
Our leadership workshop equipped the board members with the knowledge and vision to strategically leverage AI by identifying potential opportunities to leverage both existing internal initiatives as well as technological and societal trends. This strategic direction ensures alignment with the company's values and objectives, laying a strong foundation for the company’s successful AI integration.

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